30 Okt 2010

Midterm.. Oooh Midterm...

Oke, I'll try write here use my messy english,
just for this label, my lecture ! :)

I have some assignments which must I do soon.

They are :
  • Physiclogy Assignment >>> review novel in 3000 words, its about 10 pages (only)
  • IOC Assignment>> take home exam for midterm. totally, there are 1000 words, its about 3 pages

    Actually, I dont worry about this assignment,

    cz I ever did assignment which more difficult and 'crazy enough' I think.
    Yeaah, you're right !

    Socio assignment, make a paper in 20pages with 15 literature books.

    But nevermind, It has been past :)

    I know that I dont have much time again, cz I must prepare for midterm test too.

    I've regreted for my anthropology midtest,

    cz I couldn't do it well enough ! T.T
    I dont want to know about the result. T.T huuffft.


    whereas I've made a promise with myself to be more dilligent,

    study hard, and give full attention to my lecture.

    but I still often forbit it :(

    Hope, I can change some my bad habit,

    especially to sleep in the midnight like tonight.
    I want to give my best result in this semester.

    *God, give me strength to face and do everything :')

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